Intuitive Guidances


Cards and tarots Guidance

  • Clarity on your energies of the moment and what is coming your way

  • Clarity on your coaching, healing, creative or therapy practice/business.

  • Clarity on you spiritual development

  • Themes: career, work/business, love and relationships, family, spirituality and personal development

  • Energy of your projects, partnership, work or relationships.

  • Challenges and opportunities

  • Which energies will help you?

  • My tool box: Tarot - Oracle Cards - Channeling messages

How is it done?

  • You send me an email to receive the payment modalities at

  • You make the payment, send me the proof of payment and we can book a date through email or a short phone call

  • Investment: 111 USD - on offer till 31st July at 91 USD (85 EUR or 11,500 KES)


All sessions will happen on Google Meet in the confort of your home


My purpose is to be of service to your growth.