Shadow Work sessions


Invest in the next level of your life.

This session is for you if:

  • You are ready to take responsibility for your healing

  • You are ready to go deeper in your healing

  • You have a lot of awareness on your behavioural and emotional patterns, but you struggle to get unstuck

  • You are an intuitive feeler and life is just too much for you sometimes

  • You feel stuck in your relationship, your work, your business or your life!

“I was experiencing strong and almost daily panic attacks. Sessions with Amelie really helped me to deal with the deeply rooted causes of this anxiety, from the past (childhood, teenagerhood) and the present”, Chloe.

“I came to the sessions stuck - feeling heavy, detached from my emotions, and drained from the life I was living. I always left the sessions feeling so much lighter, with clarity on how to move forward, and conviction that I was on the right path.” MB, Safari Company Director.

What is a Shadow Work session?

  • It is a session in which we look at your blocks in the mind, body and heart/soul

  • I will help you to point out the shadow side of your issues, looking beyond the pain, what does the pain/issue wants to communicate

  • Shadow work is a way to reconnect with your inner power

  • I don’t give you solution but we uncover the solution together

  • Each session starts by exploring your goals and problems from either a stuck feeling or emotion or a physical pain

  • At the end of the session, we explore resolutions and activate your resources. You will feel a sense of lightness and courage to move forward

  • You will still have to work on this new awareness and continue the healing

Testimonial : “I loved working with Amelie because she offers a different approach to healing that not only invites you to reflect and look inwards but also provides useful tools and techniques to heal and grow. Amelie’s holistic approach is unique.”

Investment in yourself

1 session is 111 USD or 311 USD for 3 sessions (to be done within 2 months)

Payment in Euros and KES available at current market rate

Book a discovery call (20 min free chat to see if we are a match)

I am Amelie, Spiritual mentor, medium and coach. I have been coaching and giving healing sessions to clients for more than 10 years. I support intuitive feelers to step into their power, shine their light and transform their darkness, while honoring the journey.

”Amélie is supportive, insightful, and compassionate. If you're looking for direction and purpose in your choices, I highly recommend this program!”. D.