7 tips to Stop not choosing

My journey to choosing the life I want!
At the beginning of 2019, a dear friend asked me what happened 10 years ago that now, in 2019, I would be doing the opposite. In 2009,  I came to Kenya to follow my ex-partner, it wasn’t really a choice per say, I was following the flow of life, as I had been doing my whole young adult life.

In this past 10 years, I have been learning to choose and stop "not choosing", basically from a stand of powerlessness to feeling and being in my power. It has been a realization that when I don't choose, I am still making a choice, but it is a powerless choice. I used to give away my power to people, life experiences, the past or the future. For a long time in my life I had felt a victim of what is happening to me, and felt powerless, depressed or numb.

Powerlessness is when you feel life is happening to you. You are basically a victim of your experiences. While there is a truth to it, because when you were a child, life did choose for you your experiences, once you are an adult, there is a moment one has to realize that they can be the leader of their own life and start choosing.

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