Beyond the chakras

First, I want to say that I haven’t studied chakras in details with any teacher. My experience with them is through my own healing and the healing of my clients, as well as self-study. This article is based on my own experience only, I do not hold the truth, far from it. I invite you to do your own research and to explore your own meaning.

Chakras are energy centres within your body. This terminology is borrowed from the early traditions of Hinduism, mainly through the expansion of yoga practices around the world. In the pre-Christian cultures it was called a seal. “Various Christian mystics refer to the chakras; for example, St. Theresa of Avila, the medieval Spanish mystic, called the chakras ‘the interior castles’. During meditation she went into what she called ‘the seventh mansion’ ”.

I don’t believe chakras are 100% “blocked” or open at any time. I have experienced my energy centres being in different states over time, never 100% blocked or flowing at any time. To me, the state of my chakras reflects the complexity of my inner world. I am a complex and multiple human being, so are my chakras. They support us to connect to our inner world and to understand where we may be out of alignment. Alignment is also never a black and white situation, it is complex.

Each chakra has a balanced state that is different for every human being. That state is something we can work towards, but not a place where we could stay 100% all the time. It is a state that is there for us to work towards, it is a journey.

Some chakras are too open and can absorb too much the energy of other people, situation and places, some are closed and we struggle to embody and express them.

When chakras are blocked, we may develop pain, injuries and diseases or non-controllable behaviours and emotional states (depression, anxiety, eating disorders or addiction). A blocked chakra is not the reason why these things are happening, but the it has accumulated all the unbalanced energies the person got from painful and traumatic past experience and even inherited ancestral trauma and past lives. Chakras are windows and portals of entry to underlying issues.

So, yes to working with chakras, I do enjoy working with them as they represent 7 important aspects of the human experience. But let’s look what is behind, let’s look at the pain, suffering and what caused the imbalanced.

When working with chakras, I feel it is capital to sense your own experience of these energy centres. I am becoming allergic to social media contents that state truths and affirmations about the meaning of chakras (or any other fashionable spiritual trends). I invite you to do your own research (thanks google) and then to sense in your body for each of your chakra what is the meaning of blocked and aligned states. The colors can even slightly vary from one person to the other.

How I work with chakras?

Chakras are a portal to talk the language of energy with your ethereal body and your physical body. Stuck emotions, injuries, diseases and painful past experiences from this life and sometimes past lives are all stored in your body, connecting to your chakra is a way to connect with these hidden blocks.

When I do healing guided visualization for clients, I usually ask participants to feel exactly what is coming up for them so they may be bring to consciousness what is needed for them. I do channel healing energy as a support, I am a facilitator in a process that is owned by the participant.

My clients’ responsibility is with them, I do not pretend to be a guru who knows the truth and can heal you on my own. I support your healing process, I accompany you, I hold your space, I channel with the support of my spiritual guides and the Source of all life. Most times, my clients feel a sense of lightness, like the heaviness is gone. I usually encourage them to continue the work by journaling and taking decisions in life that support more alignment to WHO they truly are.

On the next new moon in Libra (6th October), I will start a transformative programme to support you in healing your sacral chakra (womb space). The womb space is a place of inner power, creativity, emotions and safety. Read more here