3 tips for feeling empowered on your healing and spiritual journey

I have been a medium for 20 years, but the reason I got interested in studying life coaching (with Kuunganisha training) is that I felt I was missing some tools to support my clients to heal, move forward in life and eventually get better; I realized they were all fighting internal battles (and so was I) and I really wanted to help.

As a teenager, I had severe backpain, I would see massage therapists and traditional healer, as much as they would address the symptoms and relieve my pain, the pain would come back eventually. Then I consulted an osteopath who taught me how to stand, walk and sit with proper posture so that my upper back didn’t have to compensate the lack of strength of my core. This is what healed me: it was the knowledge to address the problem at the source. This is the same as the difference between healers who relieve your pain or channel important messages and healers who do the same AND teach you the know-how.

While reading cards and doing energy healing, I realized sometimes how much power people can give me, they think that I am going to fix their problems and that I have all the answers for them. There has been even sometimes a certain dependence from a few of my clients to me or rather to what I can do for them; which is totally my responsibility as a coach and medium. I am trying to reflect actively on that so I bring higher ethics to my work.

I am still wondering where is the just balance, because yes you consult a healer or coach when you need something, your wellbeing is threatened and you feel the need to talk, unpack the issues and find solutions. I have been there too. And, being empowered in your healing means that you understand that it is your responsibility to learn, grow and heal meanwhile teachers and healers will pave your way with knowledge, spiritual practice and energy healing that support your personal and spiritual growth.

Here are 3 tips I encourage you to develop to stay empowered while healing and consulting therapists, coaches and healers.

1.       Don’t give your power away to anyone – you hold the power and responsibility

Nobody is higher or more important than you.  Mediums and coaches may have more knowledge and practice but that doesn’t place them higher than you. You have the knowledge you give yourself and your discipline to keep practicing will say the rest of it. When you start believing one person (coach, healer, etc.) can fix your problems, you actually give up your power. It is always a fine line: you do need to believe that you can learn something from that person, but do not give away your responsibility.

2.       Develop a growth mindset and empower yourself

Everybody can develop a growth mindset, actually it is the starting point of healing. If you stop learning, you stop living. All knowledge and skills development starts with a deep yearning for change, continues with a certain discipline and has no end because learning never ends.

3.       You can develop your intuition and your magic

The work with energies, divinities and ancestors is not the exclusivity of medium, reiki masters and healers. It is a question of getting a spark of interest and learning. Mediums and spiritual teachers can link you up with the energy or teach you how to connect with divinities, but eventually, you can do it alone.

My intention in my work as a medium and coach is to emphasize the “empowerment” in my practice and my relationship with my clientele.

I am not a guru. I am far from it. I don’t have power over you or more power than you. I have my personal power: the power within me that gives me the drive to live on purpose, to serve my mission and to heal myself and to support the healing of others on the way. I am on a path to empowerment.

Will you join me on this path?

I have created a workshop about creating your own rituals in order to empower you with the skills and knowledge so you may develop your own spiritual practice.