9 things I have learnt from being dysfunctional in a functional relationship

In my FB group, I asked for questions, a dear client asked me “can I be in a functional relationship if I am dysfunctional?”

First of all, we are all dysfunctional. I don’t know one human being who is not.

It is all about how we know and manage our dysfunction, or dare I say our humanity?

Being human is being imperfect.

And what is a “functional” relationship?

· both parties are aware of their own triggers, wounds, reactions;

· both parties respect each other’s boundaries and values

· Both parties are willing to work on themselves and communicate when something is off

In the first 6 months of my relationship with my husband I went straight to a coach, because I could see I could lose the relationship if I wasn’t working on my own reactions. I had identified that some reactions were not related to the current situation but to deeply rooted wounds.

We are all dysfunctional/human, all of us can get triggered and react when in relationships (love, friendship or work). A reaction is when something happens (events/words) and we react without a thought process. Events that trigger leads to immediate reaction (body reaction/behaviour/words) that is often based on underlying beliefs that you formed in childhood.

How to identify your triggers/reactions?

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