8 important facts to help you grow during "difficult" times

I want to share something a bit personal...
3 years ago my world was turned upside down by the eclipse season in December 2017 and Saturn entering my 2nd house of self-worth and money. It manifested itself in several situations in my life where I felt very stuck, not aligned with my mission, depressed, distraught and feeling totally worthless and disempowered. From there, I had no choice but to move through life and my shadows. They kept on coming, I kept on moving and healing.

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In the past 2 years, I have started to learn about astrology and all the great events that are happening with planets in the solar system. I really noticed the effects of eclipses and Saturn (the hard teacher) aspects. I noticed how hardship or great emotional turmoil were connected to moon phases and planets transits.

I have learnt so much in the process, I have received teachings that I wouldn’t have sought or received if I wasn’t in a big turmoil.

I wish for you not to take 2 or 3 years to learn a few very important facts:

  1. Astrological events are not here to punish you, but to empower you. Of course, it feels like a punishment at times, hardship isn’t fun. When things go wrong, whether it is related to cosmic events or not: learn, grow, work on yourself, expand, dive for the light in the darkness and expansion will be there for you. Everything can move. Everything.

  2. Your emotions are the key. Each strong emotion you experience is your younger self trying to give you a message. The culprits are: shame, anger, guilt, grief and sadness. Identify your emotions and talk to them through journaling or self-talk and visualization. Welcome them, love them, forgive them, write them love letters. But at the end remind your younger self that now you are the boss of yourself. This is true transformation! I talk about this in this article

  3. Moon cycles and female cycle are super power. Connecting to the flow of your physical body and your emotions (ruled by the moon) is magic for your physical and emotional health, even for men. Honoring these cycles has been a huge game changer for me, as it allowed me to plan my life as a woman, not as the male-dominated society wants me and my body to function. There is super power in honoring your female energy.

  4. Always be kind and compassionate to yourself + take responsibility for your wellbeing. Blaming and judging yourself or others can get you in a very negative cycle. You can observe these thoughts and shift to love and compassion for your mistakes and others’ mistakes. You are the one responsible for your actions and thoughts. You are not responsible for others’ actions and thoughts. Concentrate on yourself and see what happens with others!

  5. Put up your boundaries. When on your healing journey and things are getting muddy and difficult, don’t forget you are in control of who you let in your life and how you spend your time, money and love (energy). Say no to others so that you can say yes to yourself! In this article, I share more about becoming empowered when you are an empath

  6. Listen to your heart and write down you goals and visions. Who do you want to be as a person? What is your vision for yourself? What do you want to experience and feel in the next 1 months, 6 months, 1 year, 10 years? Dream big and connect to infinite possibilities. Believe in magic!

  7. Learn to surrender to the divine plan. I say “learn” because it takes time, but you can do it! You are not in control of what the Universe sends your way however aligned and spiritual you are. You are responsible for your own inner world (thoughts, actions). When faced with a difficult situation, take responsibility for your own things and then you actually can surrender. Just surrender, the divine plan is bigger than you!

  8. Celebrate your wins and see the beauty of life. Cheer yourself up by writing down your wins daily or monthly, what is beautiful in your life? Give yourself credit for all the hard work!

Life gets messy, I have had my share.

How you deal with the hard things is the most important work you need to do for your personal growth and transformation. If you keep pushing under the carpet your problems and big emotions, you will keep living in your own hell.

When big cosmic events are coming our way, life will unfold in a way that might not be expected. It is your responsibility to grab this opportunity for growth.