We need more lightworkers - Message channeled from Horus and Jesus

Horus has a message for us! I recently connected with Horus, Hawk God of the Sky from Ancient Egypt. He is also known as the God protecting life on Earth and the living. Jesus was also present durign this transmission, and gave a short but immensely important message.

I wanted to share with you, then you can take what resonates with you. To me he has a beautiful message about rising our vibrations by doing our shadow work individually and collectively.


“In Ancient Egypt, there was balance. There were more death and violence, but death and pain was part of life.

Sacrifice was part of life. People believed and practiced a spirituality that was truer than any of today’s religion. People had a real sense of community

The world was rising, the energies were balanced. Mother Earth was respected

She is not respected anymore. Destruction is well advanced. When are we stopping?

Structures are falling down. The dark forces are at work (capitalism, crushing of the divine feminine and masculine, exploitation and slavery). But you know, dark forces have only the power people give them.

We are reaching out to all lightworkers to do the work. Every light is needed. Awareness is key, awareness that each individual has to do their work; for some it is individual work and others are leaders, true leaders who care about humanity.

Most men in power are rotten

We want the divine masculine to rise, we want the divine feminine to be reborn.

The structures of monotheist individualistic and capitalist religions are falling, We are tired of the word of “God” being misused.

We want people to know that the light, the source is infinite.

Stop limiting the world to a religion that isn’t grasping the infinite nature of the Source of Life.”

Jesus: “My sacrifice wasn’t in vain. I am rising so is my mother to bring compassion and love to ALL humans, whatever their path or darkness. Our love is infinite, our compassion is beyond human understanding.”


“Humans, men and women will have to understand that death is part of life, darkness and pain are part of life. Then we will see. The future is not determined, it isn’t decided yet. Balance is being restored. Slowly, very slowly, but the movement is there.

We need more lightworkers, peacemakers, environmentalists, true priest and priestess who understand the limitless quality of the Source of Life/God.

All these human helpers have to go through their own shadow work. There is no other way to do it.

We hope for a better world

Remember love, energy, light are all available infinitely. There is no limit. Everything is energy.

Rise – call to you all the lightworkers. “