Talking to the dead to feel more alive – my medium journey

Why are we here? Why am I in this life?

As long as I can remember, I have been curious about the human experience. I have always wondered the connection between mind, body and soul. – and to be honest my life started quite roughly on the emotional side of things.

My parents were raising me atheist and my only connection with any spirituality was when my grandparents took me to church, but I could feel the energy of patriarchy trying to control lives of people. I could feel that what they were talking about or how they delivered it wasn’t align with the truth. I really felt it was all off. When my paternal grandfather died, it all changed.

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Honoring the gifts of my female line was part of my healing

Today I share with you a very special story. I would like to inspire more women and men to take the step to heal their wounds, and especially the female line wounds. It is a bit of a long post, more like a blog, so sit back and relax!

My true purpose lied in my wounds
I grew up in a dysfunctional family, where physical and mental illness were present. I was a care giver from a young age, always ready to "help" people. As a child I couldn't make sense of all that was happening. As an adult, I started to make sense of it, and from being a caregiver wanting to save everybody not always in a healthy way, I became a healer and coach. My true purpose lied in my wounds. I just needed some time to figure it out and make sense of all of it. Healing my wounds has allowed me to guide other people to heal theirs.

I was so good at being a studious, quiet and responsible girl.
I grew up believing that to be loved I have to shut down my own feelings and emotions and I have to put other people's needs and wants before mine. These beliefs were formed in early childhood and supported me to live through a childhood where my family was too busy with their own mess to take care of my emotional needs. Only a few months ago, I shared with my dad what I went through and he told me that he didn't realize that I had endured so much. I can't blame him, I was so good at being a studious, quiet and responsible girl.

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